Benjamin Rush PTA

Join Ben Rush PTA Today! 

It's easy, just click here or on the big blue button on the left and sign up-

Individual Memberships are $14, Family Memberhips are $22

Here's a few things we do and reasons to join:

From teacher grants on the Ben Rush campus to hosting school wide events, by joining the PTA you are backing the future of every child who attends public school.

Here are just a few of the things the PTA is accomplishing at Ben Rush and across the country:


  • Funds teacher grants for classroom supplies.
  • Organizes before and after school enrichment with local community organizations. 
  • Provides and organizes staff support and appreciation events. 
  • Sponsors numerous events throughout the year, including Ice Cream Social, Kindergarten Playdates, Science Fair,  International Night, Movie Nights, Dance Week. and more. 
  • Organizes campus beautification events.
  • Publishes Ben Rush’s student Yearbook.
  • Organization of the Super Hero Run, our largest school fundraiser. 

This is a volunteer organization and everyone can help! Please join today!