Benjamin Rush PTA

Why does the PTA need to Fundraise?

The Ben Rush PTA (Parent Teacher Association) is an important part of the Ben Rush Elementary School community. Its purpose is to create a partnership between families and staff to support all students. The Ben Rush PTA works to enrich our school programs through classroom support & enrichment activities beyond what is funded by the Lake Washington School District and Washington State. All moneys raised comes from the generous donations of families, friends, and students of the Ben Rush school community.

What Activities Do My Donations Support? 

LOTS! In prior years the PTA spends over $100K each year for…PTA Activities

Classroom Support: Field Trips | Special/One-Time Teacher Grants | E-Prep/Health & Welfare | Assemblies | Water for portables| 5th Grade Recognition | Peace Coaches & Safety Patrol Scholarships | Field Day | Grade Level Socials | Staff Services: Staff Honorariums | Staff Monthly Luncheons| Staff Appreciation | Misc. Hospitality Expenses

Education Enrichment: Science & Math Enrichment (Math Challenge, Toy Maker) | Young Author’s Day | Homework Program | Passport | Science Fair | Art Enrichment | Reflections | Spelling Bee Challenge | Nature Vision

Reader Board: Front School Board Sign (one time capital expenditure)

Building Community: Yearbook | LWSD School Levy | Family Fun Nights | Ice Cream Social | LW Schools Foundation | Gifts & Acknowledgements | LWSD/PTSA: Gifts & Grants | Cultural Activities

Admin/Communication: Insurance | Board Training/Convention | Website Support | Bank Fees | Office Equipment/Supplies | Awards & Recognition| Other Expense/Incorporation Fees | Postage | Copying/Supplies |Newsletter

The board is carefully reviewing opportunities for student enrichment and will be putting forward a budget to be approved at the first membership meeting of the school year.  We will share our fundraising goal and the programs we plan to support. 

Donations are tax-deductible & don’t forget to "Double Your Donation" via Company Matching!
Ben Rush PTA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, donations are Tax Deductible.
Tax ID: 91-1090931

How else can I help? If you'd like to assist with fundraising efforts please contact

Donate Online

Click here to donate online (online donations preferred)